Look Back: UP Week 2019

Blog Tour

This year’s blog tour explored various ways that university presses encourage all to Read. Think. Act.
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“Exploring the Vital Role of University Press Publishing,” a panel during the Texas Book Festival prior to the start of UP Week 2019, brought together three university press authors to chat about the ways their books speak to the larger issues of our world:

  • Peter Hotez, Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism, Johns Hopkins University Press
  • Lyz Lenz, God Land, Indiana University Press
  • Shoba Wadhia, Banned, NYU Press.

“The Role of University Presses in American Society,” a conversation hosted by Book Culture bookshop in New York City, featured authors and editors from Columbia University Press, Fordham University Press, and NYU Press. The discussion was recorded and aired on C-SPAN 2.

Watch here >

Media Highlights

Selected articles about UP Week 2019

Online Gallery and Reading  List

Read. Think. Act. Gallery

Read. Think. Act. Gallery [PDF]

Read. Think. Act. Reading List [PDF]


A truly international cast of university presses contributed clips to this year’s UP Week videos: Amsterdam, Cambridge, Columbia, Fordham, Manchester, New South Wales, Notre Dame, Penn, Pittsburgh, South Carolina, and Washington.

Many thanks to Ingram Academic Services for assembling the montages and to all press staffers who participated, in front of and behind the camera.