Next UP Blog Tour
Each year, we take a tour of the blogs in our larger community, with a series that daily addresses different aspects of the week’s theme. This year’s theme, Next UP, reflected university presses’ constant spirit of learning, adaptation, and evolution.
Media Highlights
Selected articles about UP Week 2022
Online Gallery and Reading List
Selected by 60 member presses, the projects in this online gallery and reading list offer a small sample of university presses’ pathbreaking work in a variety of formats and through a wide range of initiatives.
Selected books from the Next UP Gallery were featured on
Next UP Videos
Produced by Ingram Content Group, our Next UP videos featured clips from Akron, Chicago, Fordham, Kentucky, North Carolina, Princeton, and Wilfrid Laurier.
Next UP Events
Our community of publishers and booksellers sponsored a number of in-person and virtual events during the week, including:
Virtual events
- Fall 2022 Publishing Symposium, organized by the University of Illinois Press
- Fellowships for the Future: University Presses & Bookstores, organized by Seminary Co-op Bookstores
Hybrid events
- Journey without End book launch, organized by Vanderbilt University Press
- Book talk with Frank Dobbin (Harvard University Press), NYU Institute for Public Knowledge
- Conversation with Phyllis Frye, organized by Texas A&M University Press
In-person events
- Writers on Basketball, sponsored by Harper’s Magazine and Duke University Press
- John D’Emilio (Duke University Press), organized by Seminary Co-op Bookstores
- Jonathan Lear (Harvard University Press), organized by Seminary Co-Op Bookstores
- Jeremy A. Greene (University of Chicago Press) and Hannah Zeavin (MIT Press), organized by Seminary Co-Op Bookstores
- University Press Week Panel, featuring authors Nicole Perry, Kristine Langley Mahler, and Jody Keisner (University Press of Kansas, West Virginia University Press, and University of Nebraska Press), organized by the Raven Book Store