University Press Week 2023 logo in gold and black, with dates November 13-17, 2023

Media Highlights

Selected articles about UP Week 2023

Online Gallery and Reading List

This online gallery and reading list featured more than 100 books, book series, journals, and other initiatives that university presses are proud to Speak UP about!

Selected books from the Speak UP Gallery were featured on Bookshop.org.

Speak UP Events

Our community of publishers, booksellers, universities, and libraries sponsored more than 25 events during the week, including in-person and virtual author readings, conversations, and book festival appearances, as well as a publishing symposium.

Speak UP Blog Tour

This year’s tour used the Speak UP to examine the ways that university presses give voice to the scholarship and ideas that shape conversations around the world through the following questions:

  • WHAT does #SpeakUP mean to university presses?
  • WHO do university presses help #SpeakUP?
  • WHEN do university presses #SpeakUP?
  • HOW do university presses #SpeakUP?
  • WHERE do university presses #SpeakUP?